Partner. Research. Restore.
The Shorebirds Trust invests in scientific research, funds and coordinates conservation efforts aimed to improve coastal biodiversity.
We partner with other conservation organisations to help make informed decisions on actions that will have a positive impact on recovery efforts for the critically threatened tara iti (New Zealand Fairy Tern) and other endangered species. The Trust works for the benefit of nature to enable people to appreciate and enjoy New Zealand’s coastal treasures now and in the future.
Development of the Te Arai Ecological Sanctuary
The Shorebirds Trust has teamed up with the Tara Iti Golf Club to create a unique NZ sanctuary in our back yard! Our long-term vision for the Te Arai Sanctuary is to improve the coastal biodiversity of the area and restore native vegetation for endangered species.
We are fortunate (or maybe that is unfortunate) to have so many nationally threatened species in such a condensed area! Our first stage in creating this sanctuary has been protecting what is currently here!
Video Credit: Rueben Pillsbury
Lend a hand
The tara iti is on the brink but can be brought back with your help. Don’t let the tara iti or other endangered shorebirds become extinct on your watch!