Other Projects and Accomplishments
The Trust has undertaken a range of initiatives since its establishment in 2014, including specific initiatives to support the Tara Iti Recovery Program.
Te Arai stream
These projects include:
The Shorebirds Trust is financially and technically supporting the Tara Iti Conservation Manager and working in partnership with the Tara Iti Club and Boffa Miskell in the development of the Tara Iti Ecological Sanctuary.
Working collaboratively with Department of Conservation to provide predator control along the Mangawhai Wildlife Refuge, Mangawhai Marginal Strip and Te Arai Stream.
The Shorebirds Trust, Te Uri o Hau and Boffa Miskell partnered with Department of Conservation to support the “Structured Decision Making Process” with all community stakeholders and establishment of the Tara Iti Recovery Group. Provided financial support to Department of Conservation (DOC) to bring to New Zealand international experts to facilitate workshops for all stakeholders to develop a “Structured Decision Making” (SMD) approach for the Tara Iti Recovery Project. The approach identified and prioritised management strategies that would have the most positive impact on tara iti recovery efforts.
Provided financial support to DOC for research projects to conduct a global literature review of requirements to hold terns in captivity and to conduct a trial use of cameras at nesting sites.
Purchased cameras for the tara iti nests.
Provided donated utility vehicles for day-to-day operations by the DOC warden and trapper dedicated to the Mangawhai Wildlife Refuge and Te Arai Marginal Strip.
Designed and constructed protection hides for DOC wardens’ and volunteers’ use during the tara iti breeding season.
DOC employee in protection hide.